VAT implications of converting perpetual usufruct of land into ownership
The discussion of the VAT implications of converting perpetual usufruct of land into ownership is becoming increasingly important. This complex legal issue is related to both state-owned and local government-owned real estate that is subject to perpetual usufruct. In this material, we will analyze the modes of converting perpetual usufruct to ownership and the related tax consequences, which can be of significant importance to taxpayers.
Refusal to issue an individual interpretation due to abuse of right
We live in a rapidly changing tax reality, with dozens of new regulations introduced almost every year. The complicated, unstable tax system presents taxpayers with challenges in correctly interpreting and applying the rules. An individual tax law interpretation appears to be a key tool that offers essential support. It not only assists in understanding the law, but also protects against its incorrect application. Nonetheless, situations arise that complicate the process, such as “reasonable suspicion of abuse of the law.”
What is the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF)?
Have you ever wondered how the operation of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) might affect the running of your business? If so, this material is for you. We will explain in easy-to-understand terms how the KSeF works, the benefits of its voluntary use, and what the introduction of mandatory use of the system, which is planned for 2024, will bring. You’ll learn what steps you need to take to use e-invoicing, what the rules are for issuing it, and what procedures you should carry out in your company to introduce the system smoothly. In the final part of the article, we’ll consider whether it’s worth using the voluntary KSeF right now, and what benefits it can bring to your company. Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary change in the Polish invoicing system.
Prototype relief
The prototype tax credit from January 1, 2022 is available to entities engaged in research and development activities. The purpose of this relief is to support entrepreneurs to carry out activities that create new and improve existing products, processes and services. It will be available to those taxpayers who incur expenses at the stage of testing an invention, prior to mass production and marketing. A company that decides to prepare a prototype can include the expenses incurred for its creation in deductible costs, and will also gain the ability to deduct additional expenses from the tax base.
R&D tax credit vs. R&D Center status
Managing innovation and research is not only a scientific mission, but also an opportunity for significant tax benefits. In Poland, where tax law is complicated, some companies may not realize that they can take advantage of tax breaks for Research and Development (R&D). Even fewer companies are aware of the special benefits available to units with Research and Development Center (CBR) status. In this post, we cover the topic of tax preferences for R&D, and specifically the benefits for entities with CBR status.
Simultaneous use of R&D and IP Box relief – is it possible?
In the light of the dynamically changing tax regulatory landscape, especially for those engaged in R&D activities, it is becoming increasingly important to understand and effectively utilize the available tax credits. In this context, the R&D Tax Credit and the IP Box Tax Credit, both aimed at taxpayers engaged in R&D activities, seem extremely attractive, especially in the context of the recent changes introduced by the “Polish Deal.” However, is it possible to use both of these reliefs at the same time? What benefits might this bring to taxpayers?
R&D relief vs. relief for innovative employees
With the introduction of the “Polish Deal” on January 1, 2022, there have been significant changes to the regulations governing tax credits. The purpose of these changes is to promote innovation and support research and development (R&D) in Polish companies. Among the new regulations, the most noteworthy is the “relief for support of innovative employees.” This new mechanism is intended to support those companies which, despite employing employees to conduct R&D activities, have incurred losses in a given tax year or their income does not allow full deduction of qualified expenses.
Tax structuring of transactions
Are you planning to acquire a company or invest in a new business? Every investment decision carries a variety of tax implications that can have a significant impact on the ultimate profitability of your investment. In our latest MartiniTAX blog post, we outline the key tax aspects of structuring business transactions. We analyze the differences between an “asset deal” and a “share deal,” explain the tax implications for sellers and buyers, and discuss CIT, PIT, VAT and PCC tax issues in detail.