Posts from category VAT.
New regulation on VAT exemptions – what is worth knowing?
As of January 2025, a new regulation on VAT exemptions is in force, which introduces significant changes for entrepreneurs and taxpayers benefiting from VAT preferences. The regulations aim to clarify the rules of the exemptions, bring the legislation in line with EU requirements and simplify procedures in certain areas. In this article, we will discuss the key changes, who they affect and what steps need to be taken to comply with the new regulations.
Lending of residential premises to a family foundation without VAT (interpretation by the Director of the KIS of 12 June 2024, 0113-KDIPT1-1.4012.217.2024.4.RG)
In the interpretation in question, the Head of the KIS once again addressed the VAT implications of the transfer of real estate to a family foundation, but this time the authority assessed the free-of-charge lending activity. The interpretation in question was issued at the request of an individual who was the owner of several dozen residential premises (the ‘Applicant’). The properties were rented as part of a sole proprietorship.
Conditions for the application of individual pre-deduction factors for VAT deduction
The WSA in Rzeszów, in a judgement of 28 May 2024, ref. I SA/Rz 77/24, dismissed the foundation’s complaint against the individual interpretation regarding the refusal to apply individual VAT pre-coefficients. The court agreed with the head of the KIS that the pre-factors proposed by the foundation for VAT deduction are imprecise and do not reflect the specific nature of the foundation’s activity.
VAT implications of charging electric vehicles through a third party (opinion of the CJEU Advocate General)
The opinion in question was issued on April 25, 2024 in Case C-60/23 Skatteverket v. Digital Charging Solutions GmbH (DSC). DSC is in the business of providing electric vehicle users with access to a network of charging points operated by operators with whom DSC has entered into separate agreements. DCS provides EV users with a card and an authentication application to charge their vehicles at these points. Based on invoices received from the said operators, DCS invoices users monthly for the amount of electricity supplied to them. DCS also charges its customers a monthly fixed fee for access to the application, regardless of whether the user actually purchased electricity during the period.
How should the so-called non-transactional WDT be documented?
The movement of the taxpayer’s own goods (belonging to the enterprise) from the territory of Poland to the territory of another EU member state shall be considered an intra-Community supply of goods (hereinafter: “WDT”). The above-mentioned own goods shall be understood as such goods which have been manufactured, extracted, purchased, including as part of intra-Community acquisition of goods, by a taxpayer in the territory of Poland within the framework of his business activity, or imported into the territory of Poland as part of importation of goods, if they are to serve the business activity of the taxpayer
Sale of a set consisting of goods taxed at different VAT rates
In order to increase sales, taxpayers choose to conduct various promotional activities. One example of conducting such activities is selling goods in sets. The benefit on the buyer’s side is that the price he pays for the goods purchased in a set is lower than what he would have had to pay if he had decided to buy the goods separately. This means that the seller has to reduce the price of the goods included in the set. When the goods are subject to taxation at different rates, particularly the basic and preferential rates, the manner in which such a reduction is made can have significant consequences on VAT grounds.
Contributing Real Estate to a Family Foundation May Be Exempt from VAT as a Business Transfer
Individual Interpretation by the Director of the National Tax Information Agency dated April 26, 2024, Ref. No. 0112-KDIL3.4012.174.2024.1.AK A VAT taxpayer operating a sole proprietorship in the rental and leasing of real estate (both buildings and premises) applied for an interpretation. The factual state indicated that the majority of the taxpayer’s activities were subject to VAT, with a limited scope of VAT exemption for properties rented for residential purposes.
Rental of Utility Rooms Serving Residential Needs Exempt from VAT
In the individual interpretation of 23 April 2024, 0112-KDIL1-2.4012.16.2024.2.DS, the Director of the National Revenue Information (KIS) assessed the possibility of applying a VAT exemption for the rental of rooms such as storage units, compartments, and cellars by a cooperative. According to the description in the application for interpretation, these rooms are used by residents of residential buildings managed by the cooperative mainly for storing bicycles, strollers, preserves, etc.