Preparation of benchmark analyses
Comparative analysis, also known as benchmarking, is a mandatory element of transfer pricing documentation for most taxpayers performing intragroup transactions. The exemption from the obligation to have a benchmarking analysis applies primarily to micro or small businesses and transactions covered by simplified “safe harbor” settlement rules.
The purpose of the comparative analysis is to document the market nature of transactions between related parties by presenting data on transactions carried out in the market between unrelated parties or data on entities engaged in similar business activities.
In addition, the results of the comparative analysis are presented in the transfer pricing information in forms TPR-C or TPR-P.
Who is it for?
- Do you run a capital group with intra-group transactions?
- A new transaction is planned within your capital group?
- Have you carried out a reorganization within your capital group?
- Your company is part of an international group of companies performing intra-group transactions?
Our support scope - preparation of a comparative analysis for the transaction:
- commodities,
- services,
- financial,
- royalties,
- restructuring of operations.