Analysis of documentation obligations
The subject of related parties and transfer pricing is a well-established issue in Polish tax legislation. Transfer price should be understood as the price applied in transactions between entities between which there are links, including capital, family or personal links. According to the guiding principle of price, related entities are obliged to set prices between themselves on terms that unrelated entities acting in comparable circumstances would set between themselves.
Applying the aforementioned principle, taxpayers carrying out transactions between related parties have been required to have appropriate documentation and appropriate reporting of such transactions to the tax authorities. Depending on the nature of the transaction, the limit from which documentation and reporting obligations arise may be PLN 2,000,000 or PLN 10,000,000.
Proper identification of obligations allows for their proper fulfillment and minimization of tax risks.
Who is it for?
- Do you run a capital group with intra-group transactions?
- A new transaction is planned within your capital group?
- Are you planning to carry out a reorganization inside your capital group?
- Your company is part of an international group of companies performing intra-group transactions?
Our support scope:
- Comprehensive analysis of the client's transfer pricing obligations.
- Identification of related parties.
- Identification of transactions.
- Verification of the marketability of transaction terms.
- Ongoing advice on transfer pricing.