Polish Holding Company
As of January 1, 2022, regulations on the so-called Polish Holding Company (PSH) have been introduced into Polish law. This is a solution which, through the introduction of tax preferences (including exemption from taxation on the sale of shares of subsidiaries) for entities that use it – is intended, among other things, to encourage investors to operate holding companies in Poland.
A holding company may be a limited liability company, a simple joint-stock company or a joint-stock company subject to unlimited tax liability in Poland.
In order for an entity to be considered a holding company, it must meet a number of conditions stipulated by the legislator, such as:
- the level of shares in the capital of the subsidiary,
- the use of tax benefits,
- the conditions of residency of the holding company’s shareholder or stockholder.
Preferences that PSH brings:
- tax exemption of income from the paid disposal of shares (stocks),
- tax exemption of income from dividends.
Who is it for?
- Are you running a capital group?
- Are you planning changes to your capital group structure?
- Your current capital group structure is tax inefficient?
- Your capital group contains foreign entities?
- In your capital group, the function of the holding company is performed by a foreign entity?
Our support scope:
- Analysis of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of implementation.
- Adaptation of the structure to PSH requirements.
- Support in implementation of implementation assumptions.
- Ongoing support for the application of the PSH model.