Restructuring of capital groups
Group restructuring is the process of reorganizing or reconstructing the organizational structure of a group of companies, as well as changing their legal forms and relationship structure. It is a demanding and highly complex process, requiring careful analysis of the situation and planning to ensure successful transformation and avoid negative consequences for the business. It is the complexity and intricacy that require accurate determination of the goals of the restructuring as well as its intended effects, as it is not a process that will be easily reversed or modified.
Hence, from the very beginning of restructuring planning, it is necessary to take care of both the tax efficiency and tax security of the planned restructuring activities.
Who is it for?
- Your group is planning to reorganize the ownership structure of controlled assets?
- Your company is expanding and changes are needed due to business inefficiencies?
- Your capital group needs to be reorganized or revised?
- Are you planning an acquisition that will affect the appearance of your capital group?
Our support scope:
- Analysis of the tax consequences of mergers, acquisitions and divisions of business entities.
- Analysis of the tax effects of asset acquisitions and disposals.
- Analysis of the structure in terms of tax efficiency and effectiveness.
- Planning the development of a capital group from the tax side.